Cincinnati Museum Center At Union Terminal

Once one of the largest train stations in North America, this National Historic Landmark has been completely restored to a multi-museum cultural institution. Described as a unique combination of architecture, fine arts, and engineering, the comprehensive restoration of the Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal took several years to complete. Working closely with the preservation architect John G. Waite Associates as well as GBBN, we traveled to the project site to assess the condition of the historic Art Deco fixtures. In total, nearly 700 fixtures were restored, which included disassembling, cleaning, rewiring, refinishing, and retrofitting for more efficient LED lamping. In some cases where fixture components were missing or beyond repair, we replicated entire fixtures to their original specifications referencing historic photographs under the guidance of the architects at John G. Waite Associates and ARUP

The restoration of this iconic building and property was completed in November 2018 and recently awarded the 2020 Palladio Award for Restoration and Renovation.